Issuing a certificate of accreditation for foreign carriers operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Issuing Authority:
Министерство индустрии и инфраструктурного развития Республики Казахстан
Additional Approvals:
Not Required
National tax:
0 Monthly Calculation Index (0 tenge)
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Selected document:Issuing a certificate of accreditation for foreign carriers operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Are you a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
Processing time:
Step 1. Preliminary verification of documents (the personal meeting with the UpperLicense team is obligatory)
List of documents
Charter of a legal entity (foreign carrier)
Provision on representation, a branch of a foreign carrier in the Republic of Kazakhstan, or the charter of the general agent
Contract for airport services, agency contracts in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Trust for the head of the office, a branch of a foreign carrier, or the general agent
Statement in the form of an electronic document
Electronic copy of the civil aircraft operator's aviation safety program
Electronic copy of the guarantee letter on the transfer of information to the authorized authorities about the issued and/or booked tickets of air passengers flying to and from the Republic of Kazakhstan
Electronic copy of the operator's certificate and related operating specifications
Electronic copies of the registration certificates of all aircraft scheduled to fly to the Republic of Kazakhstan. When leasing an aircraft with a crew, the approval of the authorized authority in the civil aviation of the operator state with the indication of the operator, who manages the flights of the aircraft
Electronic copy of the airworthiness certificate of all aircraft scheduled to fly to the Republic of Kazakhstan
Electronic copy of the foreign carrier's civil liability insurance policy to passengers and third parties
Electronic copy of the letter confirming the appointment of a foreign carrier for regular flights to the Republic of Kazakhstan
Term of Registration:
work days
Result:No - UPPERLICENSE recommendations for Step No 2.Preliminary verification of documents is undergone
Yes - the client is served by the UPPERLICENSE company and-> transition to the Step 2.
Step 2. Submission of documents on notification of the authorized body (personal presence is not required)
List of documents
Electronic application form
Term of Registration:
work days
Result:Documents are under consideration are under consideration in authorized body.
Step 3. Receipt of the original set of documents (personal presence is not required)*
List of documents
* Power of attorney / Electronically digital signature (when applicable)
Term of Registration:
work day
Result:Original of permission.
Service Cost:1 250 000 tenge
Pre-Payment:875 000 tenge (70% from the sum)
2 payment:375 000 tenge (30% from the sum)
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